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Monday, August 12, 2013

Summer Comic WorkShop through the Minnesota Historic Society

I had a great summer job this year teaching kids at local libraries how to write and create their own mini comic!  This adventure sent me across Minnesota to libraries out in Morris all the way across to Grand Rapids and Duluth, and everywhere in between!

I didn't take any pictures myself, but I got a few from Cambridge elementary, Hinkley, and North Branch libraries.  I also made the morning news for Duluth, and was in the local paper in Morris!  YAY!

City Pages

Well I made it on the City Pages blog this year, I wanted to do my "It What It Is!" in color so that the featured art work would stand out better.  This also decreases my chances of making it to print but it still looks nice on screen!

You can see mine and several comic friends on the site by clicking here!